
elderly living alone warning signs

Four Warning Signs Your Elderly Parents Need Help at Home

Here in the Philippines, it’s common for elderly parents to live with their children. However, there are also still instances when elderly parents or relatives live in their own homes. Some may be regularly visited by family members. However, we […]
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convincing elderly to bathe

How to Convince a Senior to Bathe and Practice Good Personal Hygiene

In our earlier blog, we have discussed the reasons why your elderly loved one may refuse to bathe or generally practice good personal hygiene. This can be due to many reasons, as stated in the article. The main idea is […]
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elderly refuses to bathe

Why Do Some Seniors Refuse to Bathe and Practice Good Hygiene

You may remember your parents being reasonably clean and well-groomed, but now that they are aging, they have started to refuse showers, brush their teeth, or even wear fresh, clean clothes. 
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