Respiratory Health: Why It’s Important for the Elderly

Old Man Smoking In Old Factory

Chronic respiratory diseases are one of the most common causes of death in seniors aged 65 and older. This said, it’s important for family members and care givers of elderly people to take special care when it comes to seniors’ respiratory health.

Common Respiratory Health Problems in Seniors

These are the most common respiratory illnesses in seniors.

Old Man Smoking In Old Factory

  1. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). This is a serious condition that happens when the tiny blood vessels in the lungs are damaged due to too much fluid in the air sacs. This usually happens when the patient is already ill, such as having lung infection or have experienced trauma.
  2. Aging Lungs. The lungs get weak as we age. The bones change shape and get weaker as well, causing the rib cage to contract. This means the lungs may also not be able to expand as much. The muscles around the lungs also weaken, making it harder to fully breathe in and out. This makes physical activity even harder.
  3. Asthma. This can cause serious problems in seniors. This even makes it harder to diagnose as the symptoms for asthma are similar to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Those with asthma may experience breathing difficulties, as well as coughing and tightness in the chest. Asthma attacks can be more severe in seniors as well.
  4. Chronic bronchitis. This occurs when the bronchial tubes became inflamed, thereby causing overproduction of mucus. This then causes coughing, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, and wheezing.
  5. Emphysema. This happens when the inner walls of the air sacs get weak and eventually rupture.

How Seniors Can Care for Their Respiratory Health

Here are the three things that seniors can do to care for their respiratory health and lessen their risk of getting these illnesses:

  • Exercise. Staying active, even with brisk walking and low-impact exercises, can be great for caring for their respiratory health.
  • Getting frequent checkups can also be great so that their physician can see if there are any red flags to watch out for or if treatment is necessary. Respiratory discomfort can also be easily seen and early diagnosis can be done, should any respiratory health issues arise.
  • Stop smoking. Smoking increases their risk of getting these health issues. Second-hand smoke must also be avoided.


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