Should the Elderly be on Social Media?

social media and elderly

These days, almost everyone is on social media. From the young to the elderly, everyone has at least one account for updating their friends and family about the latest on their lives, as well as keeping in touch with each other.

social media and elderly

Even the elderly are catching on, as many from 60 years old and up also use social media. Aside from the many interesting things they can find on their newsfeeds, they also use it to connect with family and friends as well as stay updated with them. Now, while social media use must be regulated in children, can the same be said for the elderly? Should they be in social media in the first place?

Benefits of Social Media in the Elderly

For some elderly people, it may take time getting used to navigating through their gadgets and through social media. However, once they understand how to use it, social media can provide them many benefits.

The learning curve may be steep, but it can help them in many ways. Let’s take a look at the benefits:

1. Improved cognitive abilities. 

Using social media is a skill, and learning this new skill can be challenging for the elderly. Still, it can be a great activity that can help improve the mental and physical capabilities of seniors, especially when they are learning how to use the computer or the smartphone.

2. Feeling less lonely. 

Social media is one of the best tools to be in touch with friends and families. People use it to connect with friends, even ones they haven’t been in touch with for so long. Seniors can find this very pleasant, and a great way to pass the time as they catch up with old friends and talk to family members who may be even far away.

Social media can also help them connect with younger generations, such as their grandchildren. This can help decrease their feelings of loneliness and isolation, one of the things that plague older people.

3. Find worthwhile entertainment. 

Social media use can be a worthwhile way for seniors to be entertained even when they’re at home. They can read up on many interesting articles on their news feeds, or even watch videos. They can also learn to take up new hobbies or even join Facebook groups and be part of communities that share their interests.

Need help caring for your elderly? Contact us at Blessed Home: 0917 856 0623


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