8 Ways You Can Honor Your Elderly Family Member

ways to honor elderly family members

Times have really changed. Just ask your elderly family member.

Today’s technology has changed the way we communicate and connect. Compared to the past, we now communicate less personally, as phone calls and video chats often easily take the place of visits and personal contact.

Not only that. Younger generations these days seem to have lost the manners and high regard that the elderly used to have in the past. It’s easy to dismiss the elderly these days, as people lead more fast-paced lives connected more with cyberspace than, usually, in the real world.

However, one thing remains: we must respect our elders. At Blessed Home, we still abide by this as we are grounded on the values that we have grown up with. We impart this to our staff and this can be reflected on how we care for and interact with our elderly community.

Ways to Honor Your Elderly Family Member

Our elderly family members have a rich experience. Their generation survived The Great Depression, World War II, and have seen the world dramatically change before their eyes. They definitely have a thing or two to teach us about life.

ways to honor elderly family members

Here’s how we can respect and honor them.

Sincerely spend time with them

Unplug from technology and really spend time with your elderly family member. They deserve your undivided attention and the quality time you give them.

Many seniors get lonely, and it would please them greatly to have someone to listen and care for them. Such precious times can also make your bond stronger and deeper. Your presence matters.

Be polite

They grew up at a time when manners and respect and tradition are paramount in daily life. Listen to them when they are talking. Be respectful and mind your manners. Our culture is so rich and centered on respectful gestures, so be sure you practice it, if only to make them feel special and respected.

Ask for advice

What you may not realize is that because seniors have a lot of life experiences, they have a lot to contribute. It’s no wonder elders were deeply respected and highly regarded in earlier civilizations–and this should remain true today. See their counsel and whatever happens, it is still time well-spent.

Prepare and eat food together

One of the most enduring customs even in the earliest civilizations is the practice of gathering together around food. Whether you’re preparing or cooking it, this can be a great time to bond and catch up with each other. You can learn new recipes or cooking techniques. If you don’t have time, you can also opt to go out to a restaurant, or better yet, go on a picnic.

Keep in touch

With the technology today, being far from your elderly loved ones is not an excuse. Call, text, or chat with them. There are many means and platforms that you can take advantage of to stay connected. Even just a few minutes each day is enough to show them that you care.

Reminisce and talk about your family and heritage

There’s something about family stories that bind people closer together. Putting together your family history through stories can strengthen ties and help bridges gaps between generations. This will make you understand your elderly family members or even your parents. Through family stories, you get insights into your relatives, your heritage, and personal history. You also learn life lessons.

Show affection and appreciation

Even if you are respectful, nothing still beats affection. Show them that you love and care for them through words and kind gestures. Even small things as bringing them trinkets or food can make the feel special. If they have made an impact in your life, tell them this and show that you appreciate them.

Extend a helping hand

Elderly people may not be as agile and independent as they once were, so check in on them and get to know just what kind of help them need. From organizing their medication to taking care of their bills, they need help but sometimes, they don’t show it or ask for it.

Lastly, if you are not able to take care of them all the time, make sure they are in good hands. Let us at Blessed Home help you by providing the care that you yourself give them.


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