Early Onset Alzheimer’s: What You Should Know

early onset alzheimer's

Contrary to popular belief, Alzheimer’s is not just for the elderly. There are cases when younger people are affected by Alzheimer’s as well. This is called early-onset Alzheimer’s and can occur to people younger than 65 years old.

early onset alzheimer's

What You Should Know About Early-Onset Alzheimer’s

People who are between 40 and 50 often experience early-onset Alzheimer’s. They may have jobs and families, but already need assistance or even professional caregivers to help them perform daily tasks.

The challenge however, is in getting an accurate diagnosis, since this disease is often merely associated with seniors. Therefore, those younger people who exhibit symptoms of Alzheimer’s may easily be brushed off as experiencing stress or other diagnosis.

What causes early-onset Alzheimer’s for some remain unclear, although substantial research can point to genetics as one of the leading causes.

To get an early-onset Alzheimer’s diagnosis, a person is required to have a comprehensive medical evaluation by an Alzheimer’s specialist. There will be cognitive tests and medical exams, as well as brain imaging. Symptoms must be accurately relayed by the patient.

Signs and Symptoms of Early-Onset Alzheimer’s

  • Having difficulty making plans or solving problems
  • Having difficulty completing tasks that used to be part of the routine or was familiar
  • Becoming more forgetful than normal
  • Forgetting important dates, places, and events
  • Asking repetitive questions or needing constant reminders
  • Losing track of time and place
  • Vision problems
  • Difficulty finding the right words or carrying on thought process in a conversation
  • Withdrawing from work and social events
  • Sudden or uncharacteristic personality and mood changes
  • Frequent confusion
  • Increasing irritation or anxiety when something out of the routine happens

For a more accurate diagnosis of suspected early onset Alzheimer’s it’s best to consult with a doctor or a specialist.

For help caring for a loved one with early onset Alzheimer’s you may contact us at Blessed Home. We provide adult daycare, assisted living, and nursing home services for adults and seniors with Alzheimer’s.

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