Signs of Alzheimer’s


Unusual Behaviors of Seniors That May Be Signs of Dementia

Are you growing concerned over unusual behaviors that your senior parents are exhibiting? Have you noticed that they are becoming more increasingly forgetful? Or perhaps, there’s just something about their behavior that seems off to you? Whatever the case may […]
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tips for longevity

5 Ways Seniors can Increase Longevity

What steps can you take to increase longevity? Scientists unlock 5 secrets to living a long life. Throughout centuries, people have always been mystified by ideas of longevity. Finding that legendary fountain of youth has been a mission for many […]
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elderly sundowning

Early Detection Matters: 10 Red Flags of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s Disease and other types of dementia affect memory, cognition, thinking, and behavior. Over time, it can disrupt daily life and even make even the simplest chores and activities become impossible to accomplish. Today, many older people are diagnosed with […]
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early onset alzheimer's

Early Onset Alzheimer’s: What You Should Know

Contrary to popular belief, Alzheimer’s is not just for the elderly. There are cases when younger people are affected by Alzheimer’s as well. This is called early-onset Alzheimer’s and can occur to people younger than 65 years old.
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stages of alzheimer's disease

The Three General Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease progresses slowly to the point that not many are even aware that they have it. Typically, it has three general stages, and different people get affected by it in different ways. The progression rate may also vary. Those […]
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forgetfulness memory loss alzheimer's