Feel Like Your Life is on Hold as You Care for Your Elderly Parent?

caring for elderly parents

Caring for an elderly parent can have its many challenges. Often, there will be times when you feel like your life is on suspended animation. You may feel like your life is on hold.

This is particularly true for long-term care-giving for elderly parents. You may feel like your life has changed and has focused on the daily routine of caring for an elderly. You may also feel like you are not where you used to be, thinking about how your life was different from what you’re living right now. You may also feel like you are not going where you should be going either.

caring for elderly parents

(Image from: Getty Images)

It takes a lot to be a caregiver for an elderly parent, especially when they have various medical conditions. It can be physically demanding and emotionally draining as well.

So, how do you cope?

This is your life now

Perhaps, instead of thinking that your life is on hold or you’re stuck in this situation of caring for others, you have to accept that this is your life “now”. You are playing an important role in the life of your elderly parent–they need you.

However, this “now” doesn’t have to be your “forever.” Understand that you aren’t a caregiver in the past, and there will come a time when you will not be a caregiver anymore.

Trust that life is going on as it should, and you are where you’re meant to be. It may not be what you thought you want, but you can take lessons from this time to carry you through the rest of your life. Learn to find the good and positive in every situation.

Prepare for what’s ahead

It’s okay to think about what your lives would be when your loved one passes on. It’s normal and it doesn’t make you a bad person. In fact, it can help you prepare for what’s ahead .

You may even use this as a way to create more empowering conversations as you explore further your relationships and even be on a more emotional level with each other.

This may also be a time for you to know the basic details of their passing, like if they want to be buried or cremated. You may also find this a great time to create stronger bonds not just with your elderly loved ones, but with your whole family.

Show your appreciation

Try this: “I’ve been thinking about what life would be like without you. I am going to miss your…” Then fill it with what you think you’re going to miss about your elderly parent.

These times with your elderly loved ones can be one of the best times as they near the dusk of their lives. Make this an opportunity to be open and show them how you love and appreciate them.

When you look at caregiving through a different perspective, you will understand that caregiving is part of your life cycle. Your life is not really “on hold.” It is unfolding as it should and you’re helping make your elderly loved one’s life unfold in the best way possible too.

And if things get extra challenging, know that there’s help. You may get in touch with us at Blessed Home to for nursing home, adult daycare, and assisted living services. You can be assured that your loved ones are in good hands and will have an engaging and empowering time in a safe and secure environment.

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