How to Have Difficult Conversations About Elderly Care

difficult conversations elderly parent

When it comes to finding care for your elderly parents or loved ones, the decision may not come easy. The conversation following it may even be hard as well. There may be a lot of apprehension. After all, this is a major milestone, a transition that may not be accepted with an open mind by other family members and even the elderly themselves.

difficult conversations elderly parent

So, how do you approach the subject of moving your elderly loved one to an elderly care facility such as Blessed Home?

1. Be prepared. Do your research. Find out exactly what your senior loved one needs. What are their preferences? What can help enhance their lives and empower them? Also find out just what type of care they need. For example, Blessed Home provides adult daycare, nursing home, and assisted living services.

2. Put yourself in their shoes. Show empathy and operate from a place of care and compassion.

3. Choose your words wisely. Elderly may be a little more sensitive when it comes to their care and health. And whether you’re 6 or 60, words can hurt or mend, so be careful of what you say. It also helps if you are careful of your tone and vocabulary. Make sure they understand you clearly and you’re on the same page before coming to any decision.

4. Be inclusive. Make them feel like they are part of the decision, especially when it directly concerns them.

5. Get the rest of the  family on board. Approach this as a team. Have the same goal and consult each other every step of the way. Any misunderstanding or tension can make matters worse for an already difficult situation.

6. Expect it to be a slow process. It may take a while to get everybody on board. It also may not go as smoothly as you may want. Guess what–it’s alright to not force a decision and let the idea simmer first. You can always revisit it at the right time. Just be sure to approach the topic with sensitivity because you can’t expect others to think the same as you.

If you’re still on the fence whether to get your elderly loved one into a facility, you may contact us at Blessed Home. Better yet, schedule a visit and bring along your senior for you all to see the facility for yourself.

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