How to Talk to Your Elderly Loved One About Moving to a Facility

talking elderly loved one senior care facility

The time when an elderly loved one has to move to an elderly facility can be considered as a bittersweet milestone. It takes off the challenge of care from the family while allowing the senior to live a more independent and empowered life in a secure place. However, no one can ever prepare for this milestone and discussing it is always difficult. 

talking elderly loved one senior care facility

If you’re one of those people who are faced with the task of talking to your elderly loved one about moving to a senior facility such as ours at Blessed Home, then you may consider these tips. The following may help give you a leg up in making that conversation.

Talking to Your Loved One About Moving to an Elderly Facility

1. Plan ahead. Before you even think about starting the conversation, do your research and gather enough information about your senior loved ones’ options, as well as financial plan, location, and the overall logistics.

2. Let everyone weigh in. Make this a family decision. Invite everyone involved to give their two cents on the matter so that everyone feels heard.

3. Choose the best moment. Make sure to schedule the conversation when everyone is well-rested and comfortable. Make sure that you also set it in a comfortable and quiet place conducive for talking.

4. Listen. Make this a two-way conversation, so make sure your elderly loved one also has a chance to weigh in as well.

5. Be open to revisiting. Don’t expect to come up with a decision instantly after one conversation. Be open for everyone to consider the options and make the best decision. Let every member absorb the situation and be open to rescheduling another conversation.

6. Have a professional with you. If you can, it would help to have a trusted family physician or even clergy member with you as you discuss moving to an elderly facility with your family member. An objective party may just be what you need to help put things in better perspective for everyone.

Once you have decided you need to move your elderly loved one to an adult facility, you may contact us at Blessed Home. We provide excellent care services in a private and secure environment that sure feels like home.

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