Health Conditions

managing obesity in seniors

Caring for Elderly with Breathing Problems

In light of the recent Tall Volcano eruption and the spread of ashfall throughout Southern and Central Luzon, we are giving tips on how you can care for elderly parents with breathing problems. Even without the ashfall and the danger […]
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obesity in seniors

Obesity in Seniors: What are the Health Risks?

Obesity in seniors is becoming more and more prevalent in many countries, even here in the Philippines. What does this mean for our senior parents and loved ones? With the modern eating habits and our digital lifestyle, more and more […]
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arthritis in elderly

Help with Arthritis: Tips to Stop Joint Pain

Many aging people suffer daily with the discomfort, pain, and disability brought about by arthritis. Seeing them in this state can be worrying, if not heart-breaking. While there are more than 100 types of arthritis, the most common symptoms are […]
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Keeping Seniors Engaged During the Holidays

The holiday season can be fun. And yet, it has its own challenges. You may even remember yourself in your youth experiencing the season as something magical and full of wonder. And now, as you grow older and more responsibilities […]
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health tips for elderly

Top 10 Health Tips for Seniors

Whatever your age, it’s important to take care of your health to live a good life and avoid illness. However, for seniors, such as your parents or loved ones aged 60 and older, keeping their best health must be a […]
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elderly eye problems vision problems

Eye Problems in Seniors: 10 Warning Signs to Look Out For

With aging often comes eye problems. It’s important to be aware of these problems before they get worse. These can also help you protect your elderly loved ones’ eyesight or spot problems before they result to permanent vision loss. In […]
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elderly incontinence

Elderly Incontinence Care: 7 Tips for Caregivers

How do you deal with elderly incontinence? Read on to find out. As our parents age, their ability to control bowel and bladder functions may decrease. This could be due to many factors, some temporary, while others permanent. 
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elderly loneliness

Help Prevent Elderly Loneliness: Here’s What You Can Do

Elderly loneliness may be more common than you think. Find out what you can do about it. Aging can be lonely and isolating. You may not realize it, but there are many internal and external changes that are happening to […]
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A Guide to Detecting and Treating Flu in Seniors

Flu in seniors must be detected and treated before complications set in. Now that the rainy season has begun, it is also flu season, so it’s important to keep these things in mind. Now that it’s the rainy season and […]
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