Health Conditions

Early Detection Matters: 10 Red Flags of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s Disease and other types of dementia affect memory, cognition, thinking, and behavior. Over time, it can disrupt daily life and even make even the simplest chores and activities become impossible to accomplish. Today, many older people are diagnosed with […]
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elderly refuses to bathe

Why Do Some Seniors Refuse to Bathe and Practice Good Hygiene

You may remember your parents being reasonably clean and well-groomed, but now that they are aging, they have started to refuse showers, brush their teeth, or even wear fresh, clean clothes. 
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prevent heat stroke in seniors

5 Tips to Prevent Heat Stroke in Seniors

Heat stroke is dangerous, especially for the elderly, because their bodies can’t regulate heat like it used to when they were younger. Their bodies also have a hard time adjusting to sudden temperature changes, especially when they are extreme temperatures.
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senior dentures

Dentures: What Seniors Need to Know

Proper oral care is important for everyone, even for seniors who may have lost their teeth and are using dentures. In fact, proper care of the mouth is especially important for seniors with dentures.
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hip pain in elderly

Hip Pain in Seniors: When Should You be Concerned

Many people over the age of 60 experience hip problems, particularly hip pain. Is this just a part of getting old? When should hip pain be cause for concern? Let’s find out.
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tips elderly diabetes maintenance blessed home

5 Ways to Control Diabetes in Seniors

For elderly people who have diabetes, it’s important that their health is closely monitored. It is also best that they manage their condition holistically, making lifestyle and diet choices that can help avoid complications brought by diabetes.
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5 Ways to Help Control Elderly Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common health concerns of elderly people. For those who are caring for their elderly loved one, such as an aging parent, it’s important to know the ins and outs of their health and help […]
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5 Most Common Diseases of Seniors

Seniors are especially vulnerable to certain diseases. Let’s find out what the most common diseases are for the elderly. No one escapes growing old, but you can always keep yourself healthy to age gracefully. However, there will be times when […]
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