What to Do When Your Aging Parent Refuses Help

aging parent refuses help

You see your aging parent struggle. It’s clear that they’re living situation isn’t ideal. You have tried to help them in your own way, but often, this causes conflict as your aging parent simply refuses help.

What can you do about this?

aging parent refuses help

There could be many factors as to why your aging parent may refuse getting help. First of all, there’s pride. They may not want to feel frail and dependent on you. As your parent, they may not want you to feel burdened. Fear may also be in play. They may be afraid to admit to the fact that they may lose their independence. There could also be stubborness and of course, an unwillingness to spend on elderly care.

This said, how can you talk to your aging parent about considering help? It’s obvious that they are having a hard time and you may also fear their safety, security, and health.

Read the following for some tips.

1. Bring it up in relaxed conversation. First of all, it’s important to make it a habit to check in on your aging parent. Suddenly showing up and telling them what to do may seem to be like meddling for them. You may start with subtle questions, such as, “Are you doing okay here by yourself?” Make it seem causal instead of probing, so that they will feel relaxed enough to keep the conversation going.

2. Observe. It pays to visit them once in a while to see how they really are doing in their own home. Keep an objective eye as you watch how they interact with their environment and how they deal with daily tasks.

3. Reach out to an aging care facility. After giving it some thought, you may want to consider talking to an elderly care facility such as Blessed Home. Having professionals on-board can help you deal with the situation better. If necessary, you can also have them visit the facility so that they can know first-hand how it is. This visit may help make the decision to go into a facility so much easier, especially when it’s with us at Blessed Home.

To find out more, call or text us at 09178560623.

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