Seven Ways to Live Longer, Better, and Healthier

7 ways longer life

Contrary to what most people may think, it’s not just diet and exercise that allow people to live through an entire century. In fact, many factors are at play if you want to live a longer life.

And, unlike what many fads and longevity gurus might say, there really is no one secret to longevity. Instead, you can take on big and small steps to increase your chances for a longer life. 

7 ways longer life

Check these seven ways to help you get started.

Seven Tips to Longer Life

Genetics, lifestyle, and environment are all at play when it comes to longevity. However, you can consider these 7 tips to help you be on the right track.

1. Have a positive attitude. From humor and optimism to a relaxed behavior, many positive attitudes are exhibited by centenarians the world over. Simply put, those who live longer have a positive attitude towards life. While of course life comes with its set of challenges and setbacks, those who are able to take these curve balls and have learned to laugh in the process are in for more enjoyable years.

2. Be active. While you don’t have to spend hours at the gym each day, it’s important for you and even for seniors, to have exercise as part of their routine. Whether it’s yoga, running, or simple walks around the neighborhood, having one form of activity daily can increase your chances at being a centenarian.

3. Eat right. Studies have shown that there are several places in the world where more residents live past 100 years old. They also have fewer health issues. These places include Okinawa in Japan, Ikaria in Greece, and the Ogliastra Region in Sardinia. According to studies, people living in these locations have the same things in common:

  • They eat only until they’re almost full
  • Their dinners are their smallest meal, but they don’t skip it
  • They eat mostly vegetables and beans
  • They only eat three to four ounces of meat five times a month

4. Do good and pay it forward. Volunteer in your community. Immerse yourself in good deeds. Not only will it help keep you active, it will also make you feel good about yourself. Doing good, or engaging in charitable activities can help you feel more fulfilled, especially as a senior.

5. Join a community. Connect with people who share the same interests as you. Just because you’re old doesn’t mean you should stop having new friends. Whether it’s a family, community, or church group, what’s important is that you have a sense of belonging, which also gives you a sense of well-being and satisfaction in life.

6. Avoid negativity. Worry and negative thinking can wear you out. In fact, it adds stress to an already complex situation. Take a time out of your day to just practice breathing exercises, pray, or meditate. This will help you get rid of stress that can harm you.

7. Have fun. Treat yourself, do something you love, and be with people who you value and love you back. Enjoy life and life will be kind to you.

While there’s no secret formula to longer life, these things can help you improve your outlook and your chances at longevity.

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