
halloween with seniors

How to Celebrate Halloween with Seniors

Spending Halloween with seniors can be fun and memorable. Just follow these tips. Halloween isn’t just for kids. Halloween for seniors can be so much fun. In fact, this is the perfect season to create more memories together and have […]
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elderly incontinence wear adult diapers

How to Convince an Elderly Parent to Wear Adult Diapers

Do you find it hard to make your elderly parent wear adult diapers? Incontinence is one of the most common issues that elderly people and their caregivers have to deal with. While it is common for many elderly people, and […]
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elderly sundowning
elderly incontinence

Elderly Incontinence Care: 7 Tips for Caregivers

How do you deal with elderly incontinence? Read on to find out. As our parents age, their ability to control bowel and bladder functions may decrease. This could be due to many factors, some temporary, while others permanent. 
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manage finances of elderly parents

How to Help an Elderly Family Member Manage Their Finances

As our parents age, their financial needs may become different. How do you help manage their finances? They may have passive or fixed income, and concerns on how to pay for daily and medical expenses may be present.  
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elderly living alone warning signs

Four Warning Signs Your Elderly Parents Need Help at Home

Here in the Philippines, it’s common for elderly parents to live with their children. However, there are also still instances when elderly parents or relatives live in their own homes. Some may be regularly visited by family members. However, we […]
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loving without losing caring for elderly parent

Loving Without Losing Yourself: How You Can Make Caring for Your Elderly Parent Work

Caring for your elderly parent or loved one can be the most noble, most rewarding experience. However, let’s face it–it has its share of challenges. It can be physically, mentally, and even emotionally draining. You may find that you are […]
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aging parent refuses help

What to Do When Your Aging Parent Refuses Help

You see your aging parent struggle. It’s clear that they’re living situation isn’t ideal. You have tried to help them in your own way, but often, this causes conflict as your aging parent simply refuses help. What can you do […]
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elderly nutrition
elderly loneliness

Help Prevent Elderly Loneliness: Here’s What You Can Do

Elderly loneliness may be more common than you think. Find out what you can do about it. Aging can be lonely and isolating. You may not realize it, but there are many internal and external changes that are happening to […]
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